Silent Night, Holy Night

 "All is Calm"

"All is Bright"

After writing about animals sharing a stable with a newborn baby, I can hardly imagine the atmosphere projected as calm.  Yet, there you have it.  Earth at its finest I say.  The cacophony of accumulative presence.  Maybe not so harsh sounding, perhaps sounding more like an orchestra with outdoor seating someone gifted you. Whatever sounds imagined to be, collectively they project the image of a loud sometimes deafening world that longs for peace and quiet. Even that "silent night."

But then the next line, "all is bright"  gives a glimpse into the heavenlies by way of angels illuminating a dark sky filling the earth with songs of praise which appears to only reach the shepherds ears.  A sight to behold I'm sure. What does it all mean, once you pick your jaw up off the floor and shake your head for the wonder of it all. 

It is easier to imagine darkness although it is not favourable.

I have stood in a large open area feeling the darkness about me.  The daytime light disappearing only to be replaced with the inky black of night. Feeling that it might have felt uneasily void of light if I hadn't been looking up gazing in astonishment at the numerous stars. All of a sudden I didn't feel quite so alone.  In fact, overwhelmed with a sense of my smallness I feel assured that someone larger than I must be at work in the world. So overcome with the majesty about me. 

I recall the Christmas story attempting to imagine what it felt like for the shepherds. Were they overwhelmed with their smallness? Did it matter at all once they discerned that the message was for them?

There seems to be a pattern.  Silence.  Next something bright, illuminating.  Following that, an expression of praise.

In the womb sits a child in silence.

A baby is born, wonder.

And then praise, lots of praise. "Sleep in heavenly peace."

The stable as noisy as it was is still the setting for a silent and holy night.  Sometimes I wonder if the silence I am feeling, that I am a part of is only the beginning of what is to come, the "all is bright"?  That I can live in the silence knowing that on the other side, in the sky, yes even in the world about me...all is bright. And just like the shepherds going about their business.  The sky above me is just about to explode with wonder.


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