The Gift we Need.


HOPE of the Incarnation.  

Yesterday my neighbour who is a postal person, handed me letters to respond to.  The letters are written by children (mostly) to Santa detailing their personal lists with the occasional, "how is Rudolf?"

It's been a number of years for me but I can still grasp the expectant hope in the handwritten pages. Some even begin their letter with the statement, 

"dear Santa, I have been good this year." 

Now, as an adult, I think to myself, if that is all it takes...if being good is what counts then as I determine my level of "goodness" in order to receive a gift this time of the year, well then, I should find what I am asking for under my Christmas tree come the morning.

If that was simply what it took.

The definition of incarnation refers to a "person who embodies in the flesh a deity, spirit or quality"

The Divine Model for gift giving had nothing to do with writing a letter.  "For unto us a Child is Born" "Unto us a Son is given" doesn't show up on anyones list of requested gifts nor does it have anything to do with our being good.  "The gift is not like the offence"-Romans 5:15

The gift of hope arrives and in a most unexpected way.  But isn't that what makes a gift delightful? Often there is disappointment when a gift given doesn't meet our expectations.  As I read the numerous letters written I cannot make promises that I cannot keep.  This is a novelty, a cultural tradition that unfortunately cannot deliver.

This gift is different.

This gift doesn't rely on any goodness on our part. That is the beauty and the "quality" of what is given. 

Come Christmas morning there will be discarded wrappings, numerous toys about the floor and the day will become a moment with talk of plans for the next year. The reality is that we are people who are easily pleased with temporary things that give us pleasure for a short time. The Hope of the Incarnation is this, lasting joy, future hope and the "presence" of God (not presents). This is the gift we need.

You might say, it is the gift that keeps on giving.


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