Twelve verses

As I read portions from other writers during Advent, I will offer my own thoughts.

The Gospel of Luke 1:26-38

"The angel Gabriel was sent from God" I have imagined what it might be like to have an angel visit me. Truthfully, I cannot imagine it.

He was sent to Mary, from God and this should be enough to grasp the importance of the conversation within these twelve verses.

"The Lord is with you." 

The next verse tells us that "Mary was greatly troubled at what was said and "pondered" what sort of greeting this might be." 

Often enough I hear the words  "God is with you".  Difficult days, loss, sad days to name a few. And people who are well meaning will sometimes tell you that God is with you as part of their own message. I think that sometimes, oftentimes we do not truly know what to say in circumstances where fear dictates. Words can often fall heavy to the ground.  But a message from an angel? Now that's different, unexpected for sure.

The greeting is more than a salutation. The verses contain a message. A conversation between heaven and earth.  I don't know about you but I do need reminding that God is with me. I'm a bit like Mary in that I also ponder over words spoken.  And, truth be told, sometimes I'm afraid.

Was there fear displayed in her face as she and the angel spoke?  Did he look into her heart and know that his words were not just miraculous but incredible? What did it mean to her, "you have found favor with God"? Did her mind and her heart race at the fact she was having this deeply intimate conversation?

I've always thought that angels illuminated some kind of heavenly light.  A scintillation  that enveloped only the two of them as if they were the only two centre stage participating in some type of heavenly drama. 

What was she afraid of?

The angels presence?

The message of pregnancy? (How can this be?) The details. ( David and Jacob...a Kingdom)

Culture and her betrothed? 

A miracle (Elizabeth your relative) The talk of the town...

Was she still fearful when she replied back, "I am the Lord's servant. Let everything you've said happen to me."

Then the heavenly messenger left. It's alot to take in.  Yet year after year I hear the story being taught from the pulpit or a Sunday school classroom and I ask myself, what do I take away from this message?

What makes me fearful?

The message, the details, the culture? The unknown? But if I understand correctly, the angel is informing Mary that she is known.  Her future is not unknown.  She is in the hands of God and he is with you.

God with us.

It is something to ponder. And this early message about God's grace is just the beginning, and I need to apply some of this grace to myself and my fearful moments. I need to receive the same message.

God is with me. I am his and he knows the future.

Grace in the corner.


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