What do you need?

 This is the time of year when focus shifts to a specific day and the subsequent days leading up.  There was a time long ago when a magazine arriving to your door meant hours of turning page after page looking for items you told yourself you needed.

Children do that.  They are good at informing you of what they need or more so, what they want.

Of the three different books I read from this morning they all seem to have something in common.  They talk about  needs but they frame it in a very different way.  Matthew 6:8 tells us "your Heavenly Father knows what you need before you ask him." 

Reflecting on the previous days reading and writing, one thing I notice is that Mary despite  her various fears, concerns and yes, desires for the future, at the end of the conversation Mary willingly replies, "may it be to me as you. have said."

I am jumping ahead of myself but further down the chapter are nine verses with the title, "Mary's song".

I have often thought "what a wise young woman".  In these verses Mary praises God for all he has done, what he is doing and what the future holds. If I let myself, I can worry over a great number of things yet when I remind myself that only "one thing is needed" then my focus shifts in another direction.

The meaning of the word "ponder" is "too think about carefully."  Mary pondered the angelic visit and the words exchanged between what are the two main characters in a narrative that repeats itself year after year in church auditoriums.  Yet I wonder how many of us sitting, listening, actually hear the message in this familiar passage. Next,  Mary sings the praise of God exclaiming, "he has been mindful of me."

She goes on further to recount his mercy and his many deeds. She recognizes his power in bringing down authoritative rulers.  How God has fed the hungry and was merciful to Israel not just in the past but for the future.  Mary despite whatever fears, thoughts and wonderings understands what she needs.  She rests in the knowledge that the God who has demonstrated mercy in the past, love in the present and  provision for the future is with her.

God with us.

When my mind gets all twisted up in various thoughts with worry for the future, I need to take a step back from the corner I am about to turn and consider the grace provided for me. My focus should be not on what I want or think I need but on the one who already knows and has provided.

And my response should be just like Mary.  It should be a song of praise.


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